
Zip Codes Matter for Infant Mortality

Texas has the 19th lowest infant mortality rate in the country. However, a new report from the University of Texas System Population Health shows considerable variation in infant deaths by zip code within the state.


The Undeserving

Qing Wai Wong questions the assumptions behind Medicaid work requirements policy, that everyone could pull themselves up by the bootstraps. Medicaid enrollees in states that have yet to expand Medicaid will face a unique challenge.


Partisan Divide Over Soda Tax

Passing and implementing policies is often contingent on favorable public opinion. A recent study in the Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law examines differing partisan responses to three messaging tactics about the soda tax.


Are Hospitals Spending Enough on the Community?

Do nonprofit hospitals invest enough in community health initiatives to compensate for tax exemption status? New research shows spending on community health benefits remained essentially unchanged between 2010 and 2014.


Higher Minimum Wage Helps Population Health

Data shows that higher minimum wage improves health and nutrition and decreases stress. Opponents argue that higher minimum wages endanger jobs by hurting small businesses and encouraging the shift to automation.


Air Quality Standards Have Room to Improve

Despite laws that have improved air quality and lowered emissions, “acceptable” air quality standards still expose Americans to levels of pollution that can be lethal.


Paternal Imprisonment

Incarceration disrupts the wellbeing of families and communities. A comprehensive review in the Lancet documents how imprisonment has a disproportionate impact on black communities.


Social Capital and Natural Disasters

Social capital can improve mental health after disaster strikes. Strong social networks helped the elderly cope with housing damage in the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan, per research in the Lancet.


The Black-White Infant Mortality Gap

64,876 babies could have been saved between 1999 and 2013 by eliminating the Black-White infant mortality gap , according to a recent study in the American Journal of Public Health.

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