
Nils Melzer

Greg Kantor profiles Nils Melzer, United Nations’ Special Rapporteur on Torture, about his work as a human rights lawyer with an astronaut’s perspective.


Injection Protection

A judge in Philadelphia ruled safe consumption spaces do not violate federal law, which may push others to seriously consider this harm reduction option.


Neera Tanden

PHP Fellow Greg Kantor profiles Neera Tanden to discuss her work during the Obama Administration and responding to the legacy of slavery.


Tweet Dreams

Our smartphones give unprecedented access to information and connect us to our friends and family, but Americans find it hard to unplug.


Sex in a New Body

While physicians encourage patients to undergo bariatric surgery for weight loss, data show that improved sexual health could be an additional benefit.


The Suffering Generation

Premature deaths from suicide and alcohol or drug overdoses reflect record-high societal rates of anxiety and depression among Millennials.


Surprise Bills at the ER

Millions of Americans receive a surprise–and often pricey–out-of-network ER visit bill, putting too many seemingly health-insured Americans into debt.   


Death Watch

Does the news reflect what we die from? We have been conditioned to fear the exceedingly rare and ignore what’s more likely to kill us.


Immigrant Births in Arizona

SB 1070 has had a negative impact on self-reported health, healthcare use, and pregnancy outcomes among Latino adults and children in Arizona.


Unpaid Bills

In 2018, nearly four in 10 Americans experienced at least one material hardship despite a relatively strong economy, calling for solutions to bridge this gap.

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