

2017 marked the first time no state reported an improvement in wellbeing from the year before according to the Gallup-Sharecare Well-Being Index.


I Would If I Could: Bike Share

Better Bike Share Partnership increased access to bike share programs in low-income and underserved communities in six cities. This study assessed ongoing barriers to use in Chicago, Philadelphia, and Brooklyn.


Rural Living and Dying

There is a widening gap in US rural and urban death rates. Researchers report that these changes are not sudden and have been happening since 1970.


The Unexpected: Less Lead in New Orleans

After Hurricane Katrina, researchers found that storm surge flooding did not increase heavy metal contaminants in soil. Instead, lead levels dropped.


The 2 Degree Solution

What would it take for us to avoid a 2˚C increase in global temperature in the next 30 years? An energy policy firm tackles the question, modeling how current energy policies will impact future emissions.


Not Just Dads Getting that Bread

Research on fatherhood indicates a rise in stay-at-home fathers and single fathers over the past few decades.


Title X Funding Improves Family Planning

Title X-participating centers consistently offer more effective and high-quality family planning services than non-Title X health centers.


Childhood Poverty in Philadelphia

Childhood poverty is not distributed evenly either across the country or within cities. Nearly one-third of Philadelphia’s infants and toddlers live in poverty.

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