
Who’s in US Jails?

In the United States, a person can be held in jail awaiting trial for days, weeks, months, or years because they cannot afford to pay bail bond. 


Low Rent, High Rent

With reducing numbers of affordable housing and increasing demand, people across major US cities are moving towards middle-market rentals.


Measuring Meditative Movement

Practicing yoga, tai chi, and qigong has increased, but integrating mind-body therapies into primary care would ensure wider access to the benefits of YTQ.


Cancer Survival Is (Mostly) Improving

Cancer is slowly releasing its grip, and the survival rates are increasing. Data presented show the five-year survival rates for common cancers.


Documenting Delays in EMS Wait Times

One of the first studies to document delays in EMS care asks whether ambulance response times were longer in low-income versus high-income urban zip codes.


Direct-to-Docs Opioid Marketing

Pharmaceutical industries are marketing opioids directly to physicians. How much of it contributes to current opioid addiction epidemic?


Scooter Safety

Researchers review injuries caused by electric scooters in Southern California to study the rising concerns for pedestrians and motorist safety.


The Remaining Uninsured Americans

Disparities in health insurance coverage persist. Hispanic and Black adults are still more likely to be uninsured compared to their White counterparts.

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