
Vaccinations Lost in Translation

The COVID-19 pandemic has been an unprecedented time of uncertainty, and inadequate language services have blindfolded millions of people across the country.


The Cost of Waiting

The typical wait between applying for disability services and a response is 150 to 550 days. These long wait times can cause tremendous mental and physical harm to people living with disabilities.


Huddling With Families After Disaster

Staying in close proximity with others in the wake of natural disasters can support mental health and deter harmful behaviors.


Racism and Psychiatry

Medical racism has laid the foundation for marginalized communities to distrust the health care system. A new study examines how racism distorts mental health care among elderly people of color.


When Emergency Rooms Turn Blue

While many study participants described professional interactions with police in emergency room settings, others noted concerns about officers interrupting care and breaching patient privacy rights.

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