
Get Behind the Wheel

Drivers licensed at age 18 have the highest monthly crash rate of any age group in the first year after getting their license.


Climate on the Menu

Marking items on fast food menus with positive and negative climate impact labels may be an effective way to reduce red-meat consumption.


Fresh Air, Sharp Minds

Improving ambient air quality is associated with decreasing the risk of dementia among adults as they age.


Lisa Bero

Lisa Bero is chief scientist at the Center for Bioethics and Humanities at the University of Colorado Anschutz, as well as a professor of medicine and public health. She is internationally recognized for studying commercial determinants of health, focusing on tobacco control, pharmaceutical policy, and public health.


Left Out of Family Leave

Mothers working in the leisure and hospitality industry were the least likely of any workers to say they understood their available paid family benefits and were the least likely to use the benefits they were eligible for.


Fostering Disparity

Native American and Black children are placed in foster care at significantly higher rates than White, Asian, and Hispanic children.

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