
Burning Threat to Hospitals

In California, approximately 50% of inpatient hospital beds are located within one mile of a high fire threat zone. As wildfire season continues to grow longer and more severe, hospitals need wildfire evacuation plans.


Jane Grant-Kels

Jane Grant-Kels, professor and vice chair of the Department of Dermatology at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine and Health Center, discusses dermatology’s ethical concerns in a post-Roe world.


Fighting Hockey’s Deadly Toll

Hockey enforcers, or players who are recruited to intimidate their opponents on the ice, endure relentless physicality and blows to the head, putting them at high risk for developing CTE.


Receipt in the Hot Seat

The use of receipts coated with bisphenols, which are toxic endocrine disruptors, has decreased since 2017, yet these harmful chemicals are still present on the majority of receipts handled every day.


Grave Political Consequences

As American polarization continues to rise, state policies are widening a mortality gap along political party lines.


The Power of Family Dinners

Bite-sized portions and just 10 more minutes at the dinner table with family can improve some kids’ diets and eating habits.


Dobbs Distress

After the Dobbs v. Jackson decision, women and pregnancy-capable people of reproductive age reported a 10% increase in mental distress compared to the months before the decision.

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