
Bunk Bed Trauma – Injuries while Incarcerated

Between 2006 and 2015, emergency departments in the United States treated an estimated 639,505 individuals for bunk-bed-related injuries. The most common injury within jails involved falling out of a bunk bed.


Resilience in the Wake of Extreme Weather

Communities must work together at the local and regional level to plan and prepare for extreme weather. Risk models and zoning may be outdated, making some areas particularly vulnerable to extreme weather events.


Gardens Offer Refuge to Refugees

Arrive Ministries, a faith-based refugee referral agency, knew that many of their clients were farmers in their home countries, so they piloted a program that converted church lawns into community gardens.


Caring for the LGBTQ+ and Elderly

To many LGBTQ+ older adults, navigating health care means returning to the closet, hiding their identities and relationships. Cultural compliance training helps health care providers and patients examine biases and reduce discrimination.


Care from within the Community

The Harlem Health Advocacy Partnership sends community health workers into housing developments to work with low-income residents to help manage chronic diseases, find affordable health insurance, and set health goals.


What Happened to Testosterone?

“Is it low T?” A surge of print and media advertising has contributed to the widespread use of testosterone for conditions that have not been approved by the FDA.


What E-Cigarettes Mean For Teens

Over 500,000 middle schoolers and over 1.6 million high school students currently used electronic cigarettes. E-cigarettes are considered a safer alternative than cigarettes, but “safer” does not mean “safe,” especially for teenagers.


Safe Infant Sleep: It’s Complicated

Sudden infant death syndrome cases have declined, but accidental suffocation deaths have been on the rise. Georgia’s Safe to Sleep hospital initiative aims to lower sleep-related infant mortality by informing parents of good practices.


Maximizing Healthy Aging through Daily Activities

Older adults who engage in an array of daily activities like socializing, pursuing hobbies, exercising, or volunteering report better physical and mental health.

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