
Mental Health, Minority Mothers

Pediatric, African-American patients with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia tend to grow up with younger mothers than their White counterparts.


Innovation for Rural Health

The conventional view of emergency department visitation as only necessary for acute illness is far from reality in rural communities.


Immigration and the Health of LGBTQ+ Asylees

As restrictive policies further stretch an overburdened asylum system, the role of health professionals in the asylum process has never been more important.


Ill from Pills

Minors with a history of eating disorders are especially vulnerable to the harms of diet pills and muscle-building supplements.


Incarcerations’ Costs for Families

Evidence shows that children who experience a family member’s incarceration are at greater risk of experiencing negative health outcomes.


SNAP and the Public’s Health

Increasing the SNAP budget, though politically challenging, has the potential to both reduce government spending and improve population health.


Sex in a New Body

While physicians encourage patients to undergo bariatric surgery for weight loss, data show that improved sexual health could be an additional benefit.


Denial of Service and LGBT Health

The question of which civil liberty takes precedent—equal protection under the law or religious liberty—remains largely unanswered.


Tiny Toxicity

Researchers are looking for evidence on whether ingestion of microplastics have an impact on human health and, if so, by how much.


Bacteria: The Summer Bummer

With population growing in US coastal areas, we can expect more Americans to become ill from beach water until the sources of contamination are addressed. 

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