
Suicide Rates Among Native Veterans

Suicide rates among Native veterans are disproportionately high compared to White veterans, with younger individuals in this population at a particularly high risk of suicidal ideation.


Bad Hair Day: Toxic Chemicals in Hair Products

Stores that sell hair products with higher concentrations of toxic, endocrine-disrupting chemicals are commonly found in low-income communities of color, a practice that researchers call ‘retail redlining.’


The Big C

While cancer more commonly affects older adults, instances of early-onset cancers are increasing among those aged 14 to 49.


Donald Warne

Donald Warne, co-director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Indigenous Health, discusses pressing health concerns facing Indigenous populations and his journey to open the first Indigenous-focused school of medicine.


Food Sovereignty and Indigenous Food Practices

PHPod sits down with Ryann Monteiro, a Boston University School of Public Health alum and an Indigenous public health practitioner and educator, to discuss food sovereignty and Indigenous food practices related to cultural preservation and revitalization.


Richard Brookshire

Richard Brookshire, U.S. Army veteran and co-founder and CEO of the Black Veterans Project, discusses the mission and work of his organization and how we can better support Black veterans.


Fat Liberation and Weight Discrimination

PHPod host Kara Schmidt sits down with Rev. Dr. Anastasia Kidd, director of Contextual Education at Boston University School of Theology, and Massachusetts State Senator Becca Rausch to discuss the fat liberation movement, the health effects of weight stigma, and recent legislation to address size discrimination in the Commonwealth.

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