
Why Not Single Payer Now?

Democrats and moderates spent the last decade building support for, developing, and then defending the Affordable Care Act. A resurgent progressive interest in single payer health care would abandon it.


Saving Lives Begins with Death Certificates

Death certificates are a trove of data that inform public health research, policymaking, and resource allocation. History shows us that saving lives begins with keeping track of and scrutinizing how we die.


Will You Still Need Me?

Nursing homes aren’t for other people, they’re for all of us. Here are three steps everyone can take to improve the image and reality of nursing home care.


The Undeserving

Qing Wai Wong questions the assumptions behind Medicaid work requirements policy, that everyone could pull themselves up by the bootstraps. Medicaid enrollees in states that have yet to expand Medicaid will face a unique challenge.


A Writing Teacher’s Take on the Seven Words Controversy

Public health, scientific, and academic writing are plagued by jargon and words that are so overused they become meaningless. PHP’s Associate Editor, Jennifer Beard offers a new spin on the recent “seven words” controversy.


Chemical Endangerment Laws Hurt Pregnant Women

Laws originally meant to prevent exposure of children to drug-related environments such as meth labs are being expanded to criminalize substance use during pregnancy.


Tomorrow in Mind: Corporate Social Responsibility

PHP Fellow Gilbert Benavidez writes on corporate social responsibility to respect and protect human rights, and how public health must be a leader in building partnerships with corporations to influence social policy.


A History of Work Requirements

Nine states have pending waiver requests that would require work as a condition for receiving Medicaid benefits. Work requirements are not a new policy idea. Politicians, especially conservatives, have been proposing the addition of work requirements to every existing type of public benefit program for decades.

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