
Catholic Hospitals and a Woman’s Right to Know

Catholic hospitals often do not provide certain types of reproductive health care. Freedman and colleagues conducted research on women’s knowledge about hospital religious affiliation and its impact on their decisions about where to get care.


Hacking Public Health

Everyone loves a hackathon, it seems. How much do hackathons really contribute to solving public health problems? Are they a meaningful new tool, or simply the latest fad?


Fieldnotes, Good Guys, and the Culture of HIV Care

Conversations between patients and providers that treat patients as unique individuals can help providers develop care plans to better match their patients’ lives.


Sports Specialization and Overuse Injuries

Sports participation in younger athletes has evolved from activities for fun to intense, specialized training. Recent data shows a relationship between socioeconomic status and overuse injury. 


Body Image and Bullying

Yi-Ching Lin and colleagues found that self-perceived weight and frustration with body image were more related to bullying than actual weight, particularly among female students.


Can Sugar Substitutes Reduce the Risk of Obesity?

The current obesity and diabetes epidemics have sparked renewed interest in identifying alternatives to table sugar, but sugar substitutes currently on the market have not yet lived up to expectations. 


How Journalists Cover Cyberbullying and Suicide

News coverage associating cyberbullying with suicide alerts schools and families to the risks of technology use. However, repeated and overly simplistic news coverage of suicide may have serious consequences.

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