
The ‘Public’ in Public Health

Across the United States, a higher percentage of farmworkers in a county was associated with a higher number of deaths from Covid-19.


Arrests and the Health of Latinx Youth

While border crossings continue to be the premier story for immigration, interior arrests are equally as important and often overlooked.


Low Birth Weights after ICE Raid

Evidence from Novak et al. shows aggressive immigration policy has a tangible health impact. Infants born to Latina mothers had a greater risk of low birth weights after the Postville, Iowa ICE raid.


Pharmacies for Covid-19 Care

Community pharmacists and pharmacies are available to help vulnerable communities access care during the Covid-19 pandemic.


Gardens Offer Refuge to Refugees

Arrive Ministries, a faith-based refugee referral agency, knew that many of their clients were farmers in their home countries, so they piloted a program that converted church lawns into community gardens.


Preemption and the Public’s Health

Preemption laws are affecting policy areas that vary from regulating e-cigarettes to soda bans and taxes to controlling the rise of rent in urban areas.


What Our Use Will Produce

How we act today will determine whether antibiotics can still be successfully used in the future as the threat of antimicrobial resistance grows.

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