
Get Behind the Wheel

Drivers licensed at age 18 have the highest monthly crash rate of any age group in the first year after getting their license.


The Debt Trap

Persistent student loan debt may have long-term health consequences, including increased risk for cardiovascular disease and chronic stress.


Friends for Life

Increased loneliness and social isolation are associated with memory decline and an increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease.


Environmental Impact Impacts Unevenly

Neighborhood-level environmental factors, like exposure to industrial pollutants, led to increased pediatric ICU admissions for children with asthma.


Felonies and Food

Formerly incarcerated adults had an 83% increase in food insecurity compared to those who have never been in prison.


Supporting Indigenous Elders

Indigenous elders who accessed services through Title VI of the Older Americans Act experienced fewer falls and hospitalizations per year than those who did not receive assistance.


Left Out of Family Leave

Mothers working in the leisure and hospitality industry were the least likely of any workers to say they understood their available paid family benefits and were the least likely to use the benefits they were eligible for.


Gunning for Youth

Early intervention is essential for youth with juvenile criminal records, as they are likely to take part in more serious crimes as they get older.

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