
Rooftop Farms as Pharmacies

Boston Medical Center’s rooftop farm acts as a green roof to reduce energy consumption and sources local foods for providers to prescribe to patients.


Crowding, Commutes, and Children

Rising rents are causing families to move to small spaces or into suburbs. These crowded households and long commutes may directly impact children. 


Recessions and Tuberculosis

Researchers examined the impact of the 2007-2009 recession on tuberculosis in California. They found the recession slowed the decline of TB in the state.


Rural Living and Dying

There is a widening gap in US rural and urban death rates. Researchers report that these changes are not sudden and have been happening since 1970.


Bullies and Leaders, According to Babies

Babies may have a more complex perception of their environment than previously understood. Francesco Margoni and colleagues studied how babies differentiate a bully from a leader.


Sex and Another Silent Infection

Trichomoniasis is the most common curable sexually transmitted infection, but diagnosis can easily be missed by a health care practitioner. Only 30% of infected individuals have discernible symptoms.


Deborah Prothrow-Stith

Deborah Prothrow-Stith has worked extensively to define youth violence as a health problem. She sat down with PHP to discuss best practices in violence prevention for public health professionals.


Reducing the Harms of Childhood Trauma

A study on the Massachusetts Child Trauma Project showed trauma-informed care of children in the state’s welfare program resulted in less physical abuse, neglect, and better adoption placement.


Women in Soccer and Brain Injury

Women soccer players are at particular risk. Brain imaging showed repeated “heading” may cause more brain injury in women than in men.

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