
Compassion Fade

To counteract compassion fade, a change in emotional response, it’s important to reflect and be deliberate about our response to human suffering.


Religion and Our Health

Among underserved populations, potential positive effects of attending religious services on overall mortality may be undermined by deprivation and poverty.


Preemption and the Public’s Health

Preemption laws are affecting policy areas that vary from regulating e-cigarettes to soda bans and taxes to controlling the rise of rent in urban areas.


After ALS Went Viral

After it went viral, the Ice Bucket Challenge raised more than $200 million in just eight weeks from donors across the world, but then what happened?


Fish Switch

The concentration of a potent neurotoxin, methylmercury, in saltwater fish is increasing as a result of climate change and overfishing.


Contributions to Congress

Political Action Committees supported by physician organizations may be unknowingly giving to candidates and legislators who oppose firearm safety measures.


Universal Coverage Contradictions

Contradicting views on Medicare for All from the electorate may slow the pace of bringing a meaningful health plan for the country.


Housing Transgender Veterans

The number of transgender veterans experiencing homelessness increased by 89%, while the rate of homelessness among the general population dropped by 48%.


ACA Enrollment Update

For now, the ACA survives. In many places, it has stabilized, allowing the millions of Americans who obtain insurance to become healthier.


Eating Well with Dan Wexler

In an effort to curb food insecurity in the US, EatWell provides affordable, healthy meal kits to families living in Boston’s Dorchester neighborhoods.

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