
Mona Sarfaty

Mona Sarfaty, Director of the Program on Climate and Health, identifies the intersection of the Covid-19 pandemic and climate change.


Counting Trans Health

Trans-specific screening guidelines would help ensure trans people have the same chance at early, life-saving treatment as the rest of the population.


Transit Workers’ Right to Pee

OSHA’s loose guidelines on restroom access do not sufficiently protect workers from health risks posed by limited restroom access.


Caring for Immigrant Caregivers

Without immigrants to fill a substantial portion of the direct care workforce, direct care shortages may be worse than previously estimated.


Miscounting Murder of Mothers

By counting homicides as maternal deaths, we might see that maternal mortality in the US is even worse than the current disturbing statistics indicate.


Janet Currie

PHP Fellow Gray Babbs profiles Janet Currie to understand her perspective on Covid-19 as a professor and how the pandemic will affect child mental health.


Conversations on Contraception

LGBTQ communities and medical and public health practitioners must make conversations about contraception inclusive for queer women.


Smoking Sticks in the Sticks

Rural youth have 50 percent higher odds of smoking than their urban peers. Without intervention, rural adolescents will bear more of smoking’s consequences.


Dariely Rodriguez

Gray Babbs profiles Dariely Rodriguez to reflect on the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment and what it means in today’s political environment. 


Counting Coronavirus

Dr. David Hamer and Dr. Wendy Heiger-Bernays, who have been closely tracking Covid-19, trace the spread from Wuhan, China to many other parts of the world.

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