
Out of School, Out of Luck

School suspension is linked to lower grades, increased expulsions, and increased risk of incarceration. Disciplinary actions are often distributed unequally, based on gender, race, and personal ability.


Blowing in the Wind: Plastic Bag Use

Single-use plastic bags are a number one flyaway issue at landfills, and permanent features of the landscapes they litter. Research examined the effectiveness of various approaches used by local governments to reduce plastic shopping bags.


Health Care Service for Snowbirds

A small proportion of the American Medicare population consists of migratory elders. Snowbirds, the most common type, often receive medical attention in two sites, creating complexities in medical care.


Medicaid: 2016 Uninsured Rates by County

In states that expanded Medicaid, 23.4% of counties saw a decrease in their estimated uninsured rates, which is substantially larger than the decrease seen in states that did not expand Medicaid eligibility. 

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