
Driving While Sleeping

Racial minorities are 2.4 times more likely to have sleepiness-related accidents than White drivers. Researchers studied the underlying personal and social health factors that influence drowsy driving.


The Green Ceiling

Climate change disproportionally damages low-income communities and communities of color. Yet, the majority of positions in environmental organizations are held by White individuals.


A Street with a Public Health View

A review of 54 studies identified ways in which Google Street View has been used for public health research, including gathering data on neighborhood green space and health policy compliance.


Three Voices on 3

What do the potential outcomes of today’s vote on MA Question 3 look like for Yes on 3 coalition members Alexis Krohn, Eurah Ko, and Linda Fingerson?


Vote Yes on 3

Erin Polka urges a YES vote on Massachusetts Ballot Question 3, to uphold a state non-discrimination law and protect the the civil rights of transgender individuals. 


All Aboard for Light Rail Transit

Public transit moves many people efficiently, producing significantly less air pollution than vehicles. Park and Sener measured how light rail transit decreased vehicle emissions and in turn affected deaths from stroke.


Teen Sexting

Teenagers are using technology to explore their sexuality. However, older laws created specifically to address child pornography can be used to prosecute teen sexting.


Water Quality Violations

Most Americans have access to safe drinking water, but communities in rural areas are most likely to experience water quality violations.

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