
Police Contact and Wellbeing

If we do not radically rethink policing, every interaction with the police may continue to have drastic effects on a person’s health.


Labor Unions and Our Health

If unions indeed protect against deaths of despair across diverse communities, understanding how they do so remains an important question.


The Weight of Freight

Diesel engines are harmful because they release particulate matter and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere as they combust.


Race and Algorithms

Health algorithms measure risk with data established in conditions of inequity, and as a result, they reproduce racial disparities.


Disparity, Depression, Disease

In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, unemployment rates in the US have jumped to levels not seen since the Great Depression.


Scoring Stress for Asthmatics

While the racial disparities associated with asthma rates have been well-documented, specific ways adolescence changes asthma management are less studied.


Housing for Child Health

In Chicago, chronic eviction and housing instability meant increased odds of an underweight baby or of an infant’s death.


Who Gets to Sleep?

Poor sleep is not equally distributed. What does it mean for the public’s health if racism is one of the reasons why some people sleep less?


Restoring LGBTQ Health

By the end of 2015, nearly 60% of LGBTQ people reported at least 14 poor health days after the passage of a Religious Freedom Restoration Act in Indiana.


What About Men of Color?

Men of color report feeling unheard and uninformed about the care their partners received, similar to feelings reported by women of color in prior studies.

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