
2023 PHP Fellowship

Apply for the PHP Fellowship to research and write powerful stories on population health and social justice with a diverse team of writers and editors.


Counting Coronavirus

Dr. David Hamer and Dr. Wendy Heiger-Bernays, who have been closely tracking Covid-19, trace the spread from Wuhan, China to many other parts of the world.


Eating Well with Dan Wexler

In an effort to curb food insecurity in the US, EatWell provides affordable, healthy meal kits to families living in Boston’s Dorchester neighborhoods.


Midwives in Medicine

Massachusetts House bill H.1948 would require midwives to become licensed in order to provide midwifery services to pregnant women.


An Historic Opioid Study

Researchers at Boston Medical Center were selected to represent Massachusetts in a $350 million study to address the opioid epidemic.


Death with Dignity

Massachusetts House bill H.1926 could allow physicians to prescribe life-ending medication to terminally ill patients who wish to die.


A Box, Naloxone, A New Life

The NaloxBox gives the public easy access to a first-aid kit with naloxone, CPR masks, and educational materials for those responding to an opioid overdose.


New Crew 2019

Spring is coming and so are the first articles from our newest group of PHP writing Fellows who join PHP at a time when our readership is growing sharply.


History and Health Consequences of Solitary Confinement

Solitary confinement fell out of favor in the 1890s but expanded greatly after the 1960s. Some prisoners are more at risk of isolation than others, and the detrimental impact of solitary on mental health is well-documented.


Mining and Mobile Units

Coal miners’ “black lung” is at its highest rate in over two decades. Mobile units, created under a program of the Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act, provide miners with chest x-rays and breathing tests to monitor their health.

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